Rare diseases

Rare diseases

Rare diseases are life-threatening or chronically debilitating diseases that affect a small number of people. In Europe, a disease is considered rare when it affects less than 1 in 2000 people.

People affected by these diseases are facing serious difficulties in the search of accurate diagnosis, access to treatment and adequate guidance to qualified professionals. In the absence of sufficient scientific and medical knowledge, many patients are not accurately diagnosed for years.

Medical Centre "Raredis" has developed a special program for undiagnosed patients, including:

• consultation of documents by a multidisciplinary team, booked in advance;
• tracking already diagnosed patients with rare diseases;
• training of parents for taking daily care of children with rare diseases;
• conduct medical and social rehabilitation for people with rare diseases;
• providing detailed information on opportunities for diagnosis and treatment Bulgaria and abroad;

Rare diseases

Contact information

Medical Centre „RareDis“
22 „Maestro Georgi Atanassov“ str, (next to bl.176A) Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Tel. 032/575 797 Mobile: 0895/537 271
Working time:
Monday - Friday 08:00 – 19:00 | Saturday and Sunday: Holidays