Our specialists

Dr. Ivan Chirpakov
Dr. Ivan Chirpakov Orthopedics and Traumatology

Dr. Chirpakov performs diagnosis and treatment of all trauma and orthopedic diseases. He performs diagnostic and therapeutic puncture of the joints, vaginotomy, incision and drainage of palmar or thenar spaces.

Dr. Rositsa Arturova
Dr. Rositsa Arturova Endocrinology and metabolism

Dr. Arturova performs diagnosis and treatment of all endocrine diseases and metabolic problems - diabetes, thyroid disease, metabolic syndrome and others.

Dr. Liliana Grozdanova
Dr. Liliana Grozdanova Pediatrics and Medical Genetics

Dr Grozdanova has a long experience as a geneticist and neonatologist. She offers genetic counseling , referral diagnostics, monitoring of the patient and his family.

Dr. Fani Kolacheva
Dr. Fani Kolacheva Physiotherapy and rehabilitation medicine

Dr. Kolacheva is currently specialising in physical and rehabilitation medicine

Milena Velinova
Milena Velinova Psychologist

Mrs Velinova is a specialist in psychology in infancy. Works using cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy method between parents and children. She helps in forming a happy and confidently functioning of the child and his family


Evelina Popova
Evelina Popova Coordinator
Pamela Yankova
Pamela Yankova Rehabilitator


Kostadin Matev
Kostadin Matev Rehabilitator


Emilia Mincheva
Emilia Mincheva Medical Orderly
Nadezhda Bayraktarova
Nadezhda Bayraktarova Medical Secretary




Elena Ilieva
Elena Ilieva Medical secretary




Contact inforation

Medical Centre „RareDis“
22 „Maestro Georgi Atanassov“ str, (next to bl.176A) Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Tel. 032/575 797 Mobile: 0895/537 271
Working time:
Monday - Friday 08:00 – 19:00 | Saturday and Sunday: Holidays